The Witcher Next Gen фоновое изображение
The Witcher Next Gen фоновое изображение

The Witcher Next Gen

The excitement couldn’t get any higher, and we couldn’t wait any longer. Finally, here it is — The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s Next-Gen Update has arrived on GOG and it’s free for every owner of the game!

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Why own games on GOG? фоновое изображение
Why own games on GOG? фоновое изображение

Why own games on GOG?

Launch The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt via GOG GALAXY 2.0 and start playing. You will get additional item rewards waiting for you in the Royal Palace in Vizima. Check the letter from Yennefer in your inventory for help locating them!

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Dive deeper into the Witcher World

Read our interview with The Witcher 3 creators, take our personality test or learn 10 facts and trivia about the Witcher 2 in the articles below!

Let fate decide

Perhaps you are feeling lucky or are not sure what to look for particularly? See where the witcher's signs lead you.
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